Terra Spa | Home

A Peaceful Mind Gives Life to the Body

TERRA is grounded in its commitment to caring for the mind, body and spirit based around a strong connection to nature. The spa experience includes massages, scrubs, face and nail treatments along with a holistic approach comprising acupuncture, reiki healing and intuitive guidance.

The art and science of earth essence and local lifestyle:

At TERRA we make it a priority to source locally. It is our way of maintaining a small carbon footprint and supporting our local community by sourcing artisanal hand blended products and helping you reconnect to the natural rhythms of life.

Signature Services

Discover our Signature Services from massages, facials and body treatments. Our exclusive healing therapies performed by our visiting consultants feature a full range of modalities to enhance healthy sleep patterns, balance the hormones, improve muscle tone and circulation while reducing stress and anxiety.

Natural therapy

We honour the healing power of touch as can be experienced from our team of gifted therapists. Each therapist has undergone extensive training so that you can be assured a consistent quality of touch and care.